Saturday, 19 November 2011

As we grow older in love

As we grow older in love,
I realise how much you love me,
and then I realise how much I love you too. [As we grow older in love]

Sometimes I feel scared,
but whenever I do, I see your face in my heart....
[As we grow older in love].

Sometimes I feel like backing out,
but whenever I do, I can hear your words of love in my ears...
[As we grow older in love].

I know you shall never leave me,
and trust me, never will I
[As we grow older in love].

I prefer to walk alone,
but when you're with me, I feel as comfortable as I could with me
[As we grow older in love].

I prefer dark chocolate and strong coffee,
but when you're drinking tea I like it as amicably
[As we grow older in love].

I promise you my self,
I promise never to let you down.
Thank you for being in my life
[As we grow older in love].

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Don't love me so

The moonlight shone on the glasspanes
Like your love shining in my eyes.
The wind caressed the shadows
Like your breath upon my neck.
The little kitten purred incessantly
Like your whispers in my ears.

Nature seems to plotting with you against me.
Don't love me so!