Monday 21 January 2013

All I need is to write

If I knew what to write,
I'd have been a columnist.
If I knew how to write,
I'd have been a novelist.
If I knew when to write,
I'd have been a poet; -
But all I know
Is that I need to write,
Not knowing what that makes me.

There are ships in the sea,
Sailing with a compass,
Captain and charts;
There are little dinghies too
floating without destination,
Carrying balmy corpses in them.
If all I need is to write,
then that makes me
the end-less dinghies;

A burnt charcoal,
burns ceaseless,
emitting heat
and cooking a lamb soft -
A spent coin
never gets spent,
Journeying on from hand to hand -

All I need is to write, my Lord,
All I need is a page from your exercise book,
A little ink from your pot,
and some words
that don't always choke on themselves
and tumble out in a jumble,
Or sound gibberish
As if I am ranting -
All I need is to write....

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